NOBLE PANELS & GATES manufactures portable and permanent fencing panels for horses or livestock.
All horse fencing products are manufactured to be safe for horses and livestock and built of quality galvanized high-tensile steel tubing. It is stronger than the vinyl horse fencing and prevents the crashing through of a spooked horse. Chosen for its high strength and rust free features, this quality galvanized fencing material will give you decades of use, retain its shiny silver appearance and be virtually maintenance free. Noble Panels fence products are great for small family pastures or your large equestrian centers. Finding the right fencing material that is attractive, durable, low maintenance, and safe for your stallion, mare, colt or pony, has long been a problem for horsemen and other livestock owners. Whether you've had your favorite horse injured by a barbed wire fence or spooked by an electric fence; or you are just tired of replacing rotted fence posts and repairing and painting your wood fence, NOBLE PANELS & GATES has the ideal livestock fence solution.